Coronavirus hasn’t just shut down huge swaths of American business and sent many employees scrambling to work from home — it’s also driving the acceleration of technological adoption. As people adapt to new modes of life, start-up businesses that enable us to work, study, shop, and interact virtually have skyrocketed to mainstream adoption… READ MORE
What Marketers Can Learn From Home Depot’s Beloved (and Sold-Out) 12-Foot Skeleton
For much of mankind’s history, artists and art aficionados have sustained a fascination with the depiction of the human body—sans skin. Skeletons and skulls utilized as popular artistic imagery can be traced as far back as when the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B plastered human skulls created in the ancient upper Mesopotamia region between 8,000 and 6,000 B.C. Since then, a slew of famous, illustrated, painted and animated bare bones have cropped up… READ MORE
How Businesses Can Recruit and Develop More Young People of Color
For the college graduates of 2020, Covid-19 has disrupted dreams and shifted plans. But what about the millions of college students who dropped out this year before earning a diploma? Or others who graduated saddled with debt only to be underemployed in their first job? These students, many of whom are people of color, faced enormous challenges even before the pandemic… Read More