Coronavirus hasn’t just shut down huge swaths of American business and sent many employees scrambling to work from home — it’s also driving the acceleration of technological adoption. As people adapt to new modes of life, start-up businesses that enable us to work, study, shop, and interact virtually have skyrocketed to mainstream adoption… READ MORE
Smart Cities: The Future of Urban Development
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and technology-dependent, a new wave of smart applications is changing how we approach everyday activities. Utility appliances such as intelligent fridges (yes, you read that right), personal assistants like Amazon’s Alexa or smart home security applications create opportunities for more efficient living. While the ideas of “Smart Cities” has been proposed as the future of urbanism, the question remains: how do we connect this new technology for the ultimate “efficient” society?
Why Disruption Is Coming for Your Industry — And How to Embrace It
The rate of disruption is escalating across every industry, thanks to an increase in computing power, technology adoption and information sharing. These global shifts have made markets more efficient, given companies access to a broader pool of talent and resources and expanded competition to a global scale. The resulting changes and pressures are challenging virtually all companies, from startups to established enterprises.